Some thoughts and the CV stuff
Photo by Andrea Lyndaker
You can read a little about my early life here; this page picks up where that one ends. After my three-year sojourn overseas (1969-1972), I came home and did two things I never thought I would do: I met the love of my life in Ohio (the state I had spent most of my life trying to escape), and I found Jesus, an odd turn of events for an atheist/hippie. Neither one of them has left me, and that tells me something about love.
My husband and I raised three fine sons; they were born in Pennsylvania, came up in Alabama, and come home to Ohio for Christmas. I am a sucker for cats, stray and otherwise, and I chalk this up to my dad’s influence. He was a gentle soul who fed the squirrels and birds and cared for my childhood cat when I left home.
I write novels for people who are looking for the light, and I’m with Leonard Cohen (in “Anthem”): “There’s a crack, a crack in everything / That’s how the light gets in.” What matters to me is to go beyond, to touch what we can’t see, to find some peace (or have our peace disturbed).
So much for the cosmic stuff. If you’d like to see a highly condensed version of my CV, go here.
Image by Kiragrafie on Pixabay